7•30•2018 » Rescuing Carly ›› Car Crash + Another Baby Arrives

Jason rescues Carly from the doctors at Ferncliff. Meanwhile, Sonny goes to find Michael after the crash. 

Nelle wakes up in the car thinking Michael is dead, but when he wakes up she tries to spin, but Michael is having none of it so he tells her that he and Chase set her up, and recorded her.

While Julian is still at the hospital, waiting for Lucas to get out of surgery to let him know about the baby, Brad is at home enjoying their son. Chase gives the Comissioner a rundown of everthing, and when they leave to go check on Michael and Sonny, they hear of an accident with a Police prisoner van crashing. 

Michael and Nelle finally comes to blow about everything, until Nelle gets out of the car, leaving Michael trapped. While looking for a way to the hospital, Nelle goes into labor, until Obrecht shows up. Michael struggles to get out, then Sonny shows up.

Carly wakes up at the safehouse, with Jason who helps her deal with the drugs in her system, and that she's finally safe.

Brad goes to check on baby Wiley, but something is terribly wrong, and while Sonny works on helping Michael out, sparks start to fly near the car.


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